TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 1500 Eligibility for Child Protective Services :: 1584.4 Child is No Longer in DFPS Conservatorship

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 1500 Eligibility for Child Protective Services :: 1584.4 Child is No Longer in DFPS Conservatorship

When a child is no longer in DFPS conservatorship, DFPS may not serve as representative payee for any payments. The exception is for youth in the Extended Foster Care program where SSA allows DFPS to remain the representative payee for the youth’s benefits.

When conservatorship is dismissed, the SSI coordinator does all of the following:

  • Notifies SSA that DFPS is no longer the managing conservator of the child and can no longer serve as representative payee.
  • Follows the procedures in 1581.5 Returning Conserved Funds to SSA.
  • Follows the procedures in 1577 Establishing a Dedicated Account Using a Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Lump Sum, if the child has a dedicated savings account.
  • Notifies the child’s caseworker to inform the child’s parents or caregiver that the child was receiving SSI benefits while in care, and that the parents or caregiver should contact the local SSA office to inquire about possible benefits for the child.
  • Ensures that any monthly benefits received after DFPS’s conservatorship was dismissed and any conserved funds are returned to SSA.

Unless directed by SSA to return the conserved funds, DFPS may continue to manage the conserved funds of youth in the Extended Foster Care program even when SSA has appointed the youth to be his or her own representative payee.

As an organizational payee, DFPS must follow SSA guidance and return any conserved SSA funds to SSA. Therefore, when a youth ages out of care or a young adult leaves extended foster care, his or her conserved funds are returned to SSA. The SSI coordinator informs conservatorship staff that there are conserved funds that will be sent to SSA and gives staff the SSA contact information. The youth who is aging out of care or the young adult can use this contact information. The youth who is aging out of care or the young adult can use this contact information when he or she leaves care in order to obtain his or her conserved funds.

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