For definitions of terms related to the Adoption Assistance program, see Texas Administrative Code §700.801External Link.
Description of the Adoption Assistance Program
The purpose of adoption assistance is to facilitate adoption of children with special needs who might otherwise not be adopted. The law requires DFPS to try to find an adoptive home for the child without adoption assistance, except when doing so is not in the child’s best interest. If a child is eligible for adoption assistance, the following types of benefits may be available:
- Monthly payments negotiated and paid to an eligible caregiver (adoptive parent) to help a child with special needs.
- Medical assistance, which is generally provided through Medicaid.
- Reimbursement of nonrecurring (one-time) expenses related to adopting an eligible child.
DFPS Rules, 40 TAC §700.802(b)External Link
Such benefits can assist a family who otherwise would be unable to adopt a child with special needs, allowing the family to give the child a permanent home.
Adoption assistance is not intended to replace the adoptive parents’ legal responsibility to support their children. Families are responsible for using their own resources to help them provide for the children’s needs. These resources are considered when determining whether a family may receive adoption assistance and, if so, the amount or types of assistance.
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