Distributing the Application Packet
At the end of each information meeting, the FAD worker must provide a packet with Form 2286 Foster Care and Adoption Parenting Application to attendees interested in pursuing verification to foster or approval to adopt through DFPS. The packet must also include the following:
• Form 2286b Additional Household Information
• Form 2286c [sic, broken link] Residence History
• Form 4054c Background Check Statement
Assisting with Completing the Application Packet
The FAD worker must encourage prospective foster or adoptive parents to complete the application before leaving the meeting, if they intend to work with DFPS as their child-placing agency. The FAD worker must remain on-site and available to assist prospective applicants as necessary.
The FAD worker must collect completed applications and provide information to the applicants about the next step in the foster or adoption process.
The FAD worker must document the date of the information meeting that the applicants attended, in the space provided at the top of the application.
Prospective Parents Who Are Relatives or Fictive Kin
Prospective parents may want to adopt or become foster parents to a specific child in DFPS managing conservatorship. This might occur if the prospective parents are the child's relatives or fictive kin (that is, they have a longstanding and significant relationship with the child or with the child's family). See the Services to Kinship Caregivers Resource Guide for definitions of fictive kin.
In this instance, the FAD worker must ask the prospective parents to complete Form 2286r Foster Care and Adoption Kinship Application.
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