The CPS caseworker requests adoption assistance. The request must be made as early in the placement process as possible, so DFPS can make a preliminary determination of eligibility before the adoptive placement agreement is signed.
This allows time for DFPS and the family to discuss and negotiate benefits before the actual adoptive placement.
A preliminary determination of eligibility is one in which all of the eligibility requirements are met, except that the adoptive placement agreement has not yet been signed because the child has not yet been placed in the home for the purpose of adoption.
The caseworker or agency responsible for placing the child for adoption makes sure that the entire adoption assistance packet is complete and submitted to the adoption assistance eligibility unit at least 30 working days before the adoptive placement.
Step 1: A family requests adoption assistance and completes supporting documentation.
If a family is applying for adoption assistance, the child’s primary caseworker or the agency working with the family gives the family the following forms:
Form 2250 Adoption Assistance RequestPDF Document
Form 2253a Adoption Assistance Worksheet [sic, broken link]Word Document
Form 2253b Adoptive Family Resources [sic, broken link]Word Document
The caseworker or agency answers questions the family may have and requests the eligibility specialist’s help in answering the questions or completing the documents, as necessary.
Step 2: The child’s primary caseworker or LCPA completes adoption assistance eligibility documentation.
For a child in DFPS conservatorship, the child’s primary caseworker completes the Adoption Assistance Application in IMPACT.
For a child in the care of an LCPA, the staff at the LCPA completes a hard copy of Form 2251a Adoption Assistance Eligibility Documentation [sic, broken link]Word Document. In addition, the adoption assistance eligibility specialist completes Form 2251d Adoption Assistance Eligibility Checklist for Non-DFPS PlacementsWord Document to make sure the LCPA is relying on AFDC eligibility as the basis to establish adoption assistance eligibility.
Step 3: The child’s primary caseworker or LCPA completes the adoption assistance packet.
For a child in DFPS conservatorship, the child’s primary caseworker submits a complete adoption assistance packet within five days after completing the Adoption Assistance Application in IMPACT.
For a child in the care of an LCPA, the LCPA submits the entire packet as early in the placement process as possible.
Regardless of who is submitting the packet, it must include the following:
- Form 2250 Adoption Assistance RequestPDF Document.
- Form 2251a Adoption Assistance Eligibility Documentation [sic, brokn link]Word Document, if the child is being adopted from an LCPA.
- Form 2251b [sic, broken link]Word Document, if the child is being adopted from an LCPA, and the LCPA is relying on AFDC to establish eligibility.
- Form 2253a Adoption Assistance Worksheet [sic, broken link]Word Document.
- Form 2253b Adoptive Family Resources [sic, broken link]Word Document.
- Proof of the child’s age. For more information on acceptable proof of age, see section B of Appendix 1530-F: Categorical Requirements for AFDC [sic, broken link].
- Proof of the child’s U.S. citizenship (or verification of alien status, if the child is not a U.S. citizen). For more information on acceptable proof of citizenship or qualified alien status, see 1530 Foster Care Assistance Eligibility Requirements for Children and Youth Who Are in DFPS Conservatorship. If the child is undocumented, the packet must include documentation of how the caseworker arrived at that conclusion and a description of the steps taken to resolve questions related to the child’s alien status.
- Proof of the child’s eligibility for Title IV-E or state-paid foster care assistance sufficient to demonstrate that the child meets the requirements for either Title IV-E adoption assistance or state-paid adoption assistance, such as one of the following:
- SSA determination of eligibility for SSI benefits or statement that the child meets the medical or disability requirements for SSI.
- Foster care eligibility determination.
- Proof of a prior adoption.
- Documentation related to living with a minor parent in foster care.
- Court order establishing that the child is eligible for adoption based on termination of any parental rights to the child, if applicable. (If the child is eligible for adoption because one or both parents are deceased, proof of death is required.)
- First court order sanctioning the child’s removal from the home, if applicable.
- Signed and dated copy of the first petition resulting in the court ordering removal of the child from the home, if applicable.
- Proof that the child has special needs.
- Documentation of the background checks conducted before the approval of the adoptive home. For homes approved before October 1, 2006, this included the name-based Department of Public Safety (DPS) background checks and DFPS abuse and neglect checks. For homes approved after that date, the checks include the FBI fingerprint-based checks and DFPS abuse and neglect checks. If the region conducted out-of-state or local criminal history checks or out-of-state abuse and neglect checks, those are optional to include.
- The home study approving the home for adoption.
Step 4: The DFPS supervisor approves the complete packet.
The supervisor approves the packet after making sure the required documentation is included.
For a child being adopted from the care of an LCPA, the DFPS supervisor also ensures that Form 2189 Referral Form to FAD for Non-DFPS Home [sic, broken link]Word Document is sent to the regional Foster and Adoptive Home Development (FAD) unit at the time the packet is approved. The referral form notifies the FAD unit to create a FAD home in IMPACT for adoption assistance application purposes.
Step 5: The caseworker or LCPA sends the packet to the adoption assistance eligibility unit.
For children in DFPS conservatorship, this step must be completed no later than five days after the caseworker enters the application in IMPACT.
For children in DFPS or LCPA conservatorship, the packet should be sent as early in the placement process as possible, ideally at least 30 days before the date of the adoptive placement.
Step 6: If the eligibility specialist determines that the child is eligible and an adoptive placement agreement is executed, the caseworker sends a copy of the adoptive placement agreement to the eligibility specialist once it is signed.
Once the adoptive placement is made, the adoption assistance eligibility specialist switches the child’s eligibility to adoption assistance in the month following the date the adoptive placement began. The eligibility specialist enters the adoption assistance segment no more than 10 days after receiving the adoptive placement and adoption assistance agreements.
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