TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 1700 Adoption Assistance Program :: 1715.3 Considerations during Negotiations

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 1700 Adoption Assistance Program :: 1715.3 Considerations during Negotiations

The negotiator for adoption assistance benefits and the adoptive parents consider the following factors and guidelines when discussing and negotiating adoption assistance benefits:

  • The child’s present and future need for services are considered in relation to the adoptive family’s income, other resources, expenses, circumstances, and plans for the future. Benefits are intended only to assist in meeting the child’s needs and the adoptive parents’ responsibilities.
  • Any and all sources of income and support that are specifically designated for the child (such as Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI) or Veterans Administration benefits) must be applied toward meeting the child’s needs. There is not a dollar-for-dollar reduction from the adoption assistance monthly payment based on the amount of the other sources of income or support. Such income or support is simply one factor in evaluating the resources available for meeting the child’s needs.
  • The costs associated with meeting the child’s needs through private sources are considered only when those needs cannot be met through publicly funded sources. If the child needs special services not covered by the adoptive parents’ insurance or Medicaid, the adoptive parents must provide information or documentation of actual costs, if available. If no information about actual costs is available, the negotiator makes a reasonable estimate.

DFPS Rules, 40 TAC §700.844External Link


Appendix 1715.3: Negotiation of Adoption Assistance Discussion Guide

Form 2253a Adoption Assistance Worksheet Word Docum[sic, broken link]

Form 2253b Adoptive Family ResourcesWord Document[sic, broken link]


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