If it is not in the child or youth’s best interest to remain in the current school, he or she must be enrolled in an appropriate school as soon as possible, but no later than two days after the placement. The child or youth must be enrolled in a school in the same school district, if possible, or in the school most able to meet his or her needs.
Schools are required to enroll a child or youth in DFPS conservatorship even if the required documentation is not initially provided. However, the caseworker or educational decision maker must ensure that the required enrollment documents and records from the previous school are provided to the new school as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days from enrollment.
Texas Education Code §25.002(g)
NOTE: While law requires CPS to ensure the child or youth’s records are provided to the new school within 30 days of enrollment, the law requires the school to ensure the child or youth’s school records are transferred to the new school within 10 working days after enrollment.
Texas Education Code §25.007(b)(1)
The caseworker must document in the child or youth’s record why it is not in his or her best interest to continue in the current school. CPS must try to maintain stability in educational services and extracurricular activities to the greatest extent possible.
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