The caseworker and the caseworker’s supervisor must attend all mediations.
The caseworker must notify or verify that the following persons have been notified about the mediation:
• All parties to the suit, including but not limited to:
• the child’s biological mother;
• the child’s biological father;
• the child’s presumed and alleged father (if listed as a legal party to the case);
• any person named as possessory conservator;
• any person who may have intervened in the suit;
• all attorneys appointed for the parties to the suit; and
• the child’s court appointed special advocate (CASA) or an individual appointed as guardian ad litem.
• Any person who is not a party to the suit but is proposed as a permanent placement for the child, such as a relative or fictive kin (referred to as a kinship caregiver) who is seeking permanent managing conservatorship of the child.
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