TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 4200 Foster and Licensed Facility Placements :: 4221.2 CPS Responsibility and Procedure after Receiving a Notification of Abuse or Neglect by either RCCI or CPI

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 4200 Foster and Licensed Facility Placements :: 4221.2 CPS Responsibility and Procedure after Receiving a Notification of Abuse or Neglect by either RCCI or CPI

When a CPS caseworker receives an I&R in IMPACT notifying the caseworker of a report of child abuse, neglect, or exploitation, the CPS caseworker must take the following actions:

  • Review the abuse, neglect, or exploitation report in IMPACT, CLASS, or both, immediately.
  • Discuss the intake with the supervisor immediately.
  • Contact the RCCI or CPI investigator for additional information.
  • Consult with the program director about the circumstances surrounding RCCI’s or CPI’s investigation no later than 7 p.m. the next business day.
  • Document an I&R A/N Notification Staffing contact type in the child’s Sub stage no later than 7 p.m. the next business day after notification of the report.

The investigator notifies the primary caseworker and primary caseworker’s supervisor about the following investigation staffings. The primary caseworker and primary caseworker’s supervisor must attend these staffings after becoming aware that the child is in DFPS care:

The primary caseworker documents the following in the same contact:

  • A summary of the staffing.
  • The participation of the child’s primary caseworker and the primary caseworker’s supervisor in the staffing.

The contact documentation must include all of the following:

  • A copy of the I&R.
  • Discussions with the supervisor and program director.
  • Consideration of the child’s safety needs and any related actions.
  • Any plans for future actions.

The primary caseworker must document the execution and results of any follow-up actions as normal contacts in IMPACT when they are completed.

The primary caseworker must document a summary and the disposition of the RCCI or CPI investigation as a contact in IMPACT once the investigation is concluded.

If a report involves alleged child-on-child victimization, the primary caseworker must follow the protocols in Appendix 4623: Protocol for RCCI Investigations Involving Child-on-Child Victimization in Foster Care.

If the report alleges child sexual aggression, the primary caseworker must follow the protocols in the Sexual Incident History Resource GuidePDF Document.

See 6419 Working with Children Who Are Sexually Aggressive, Have Sexual Behavior Problems, or Are Victims of Sexual Abuse.

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