CPS or SSCC staff must ensure the safety and well-being of the child or youth in DFPS conservatorship. CPS or SSCC staff does not presume that the existence of an RCCI or CPI safety plan means there is no additional casework to be performed as the child or youth’s managing conservator.
The primary caseworker, along with the primary caseworker’s supervisor and other appropriate members of the management chain, must consider any remaining casework appropriate to the situation, such as:
- Interviewing the child or youth about his or her well-being.
- Additional supportive services in response to any incident.
- A placement change.
If the primary caseworker needs to make contact with the child or youth, the primary caseworker must not:
- Ask questions specific to the RCCI or CPI investigation.
- Interview the child or youth about the abuse or neglect allegations, as this is the role of the RCCI or CPI investigator. RCCI or CPI conducts the abuse or neglect investigation.
- Disclose details of the allegations to the caregiver under investigation by RCCI or CPI, as this is the responsibility of RCCI or CPI. (This also applies to other CPS staff with knowledge of the investigation.)
RCCI Investigations
The RCCI investigation is a separate record that RCCI maintains. After RCCI concludes the investigation, the primary caseworker must print and file a copy of the completed investigation in the case file of the child or youth who was the victim.
CPI Investigations
See 2151.1 Notification of a Report Involving a Child in DFPS Conservatorship.
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