TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 4200 Foster and Licensed Facility Placements :: 4232 Reporting Problems to Other State Agencies

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 4200 Foster and Licensed Facility Placements :: 4232 Reporting Problems to Other State Agencies

If a DFPS caseworker is concerned about problems or deficiencies in the care provided to a child or youth in a facility that is operated or regulated by another state agency, the caseworker must report his or her concerns to that agency. If the caseworker suspects that the child or youth (or any other child or youth in the facility) is being abused or neglected, the caseworker must report the possibility of child abuse or neglect to all of the following:

  • The agency responsible for operating or regulating the facility where the abuse or neglect may have occurred.
  • The caseworker’s own supervisor.
  • Statewide Intake.


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