TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 4500 Interstate Placements :: 4512.1 Criteria for an Expedited Home Screening

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 4500 Interstate Placements :: 4512.1 Criteria for an Expedited Home Screening

A Texas caseworker may request an expedited home screening for an Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) case, only if:

  •   the proposed caregiver has one of the relationships to the child listed below; and

  •   at least one of the circumstances listed below applies.

Valid Relationship

The proposed caregiver must be the child’s:

  •   parent;

  •   stepparent;

  •   grandparent;

  •   adult brother or sister;

  •   adult aunt or uncle; or

  •   guardian.

Cousins, great-aunts, great-uncles, and great-grandparents do not meet the criteria for the degree of relationship between the child and the proposed caregiver. Fictive kin, such as close family friends, also do not meet the criteria.

Applicable Circumstances

In addition, at least one of the following circumstances must apply:

  •   an unexpected dependency exists because of a sudden or recent incarceration, incapacitation, or death of a parent or guardian. (Incapacitation means a parent or guardian is unable to care for a child because of the parent or guardian’s medical, mental, or physical condition);

  •   the child is currently in an emergency placement;

  •   the court finds that any child in the sibling group of the child being placed has a substantial relationship with the proposed placement; or

  •   a child being placed is age four or younger. If the child age four or younger is in a sibling group with older siblings, then the older siblings may be placed in the same proposed placement with the younger child.

When an Expedited Home Screening Cannot Be Requested

A Texas caseworker may not request an expedited home screening if:

  •   the proposed placement is for a foster or adoptive home;

  •   the child is already placed in the receiving state, in violation of ICPC guidelines; or

  •   the proposed placement is with a non-custodial parent and the placement does not meet the criteria for requesting a home study specified in 4513.1 Placing a Child with an Out-of-State Non-Custodial Parent


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