TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 7300 Training Foster and Adoptive Applicants :: 7330 Training in Recognizing and Reporting Sexual Abuse

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 7300 Training Foster and Adoptive Applicants :: 7330 Training in Recognizing and Reporting Sexual Abuse

The FAD caseworker makes sure that all foster and adoptive parents are trained to recognize and report sexual abuse, including abuse of a child by another child.

A prospective foster or adoptive parent is required to complete this training before he or she can do any of the following:

  • Become verified as a foster parent.
  • Become approved as an adoptive parent.
  • Be a caregiver for a child in DFPS conservatorship.

The FAD caseworker makes sure each verified foster parent or approved adoptive parent completes this training again at the following times:

  • Within 12 months after the date when the parent completed the initial training before becoming verified for foster care or approved for adoption.
  • During each subsequent 12-month period thereafter.

The family’s case record is required to contain current documentation of completion of this training for each verified, approved, or prospective foster or adoptive parent. The FAD supervisor reviews the documentation for each of these people for compliance at the following times:

  • Before verification of a new foster home.
  • Before approval of a new adoptive home.
  • During each subsequent 12-month training period (as described above), after the home has become verified or approved.

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