TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 7400 Checking Criminal Records and Abuse and Neglect History :: 7452 When a Risk Evaluation is Not Required

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 7400 Checking Criminal Records and Abuse and Neglect History :: 7452 When a Risk Evaluation is Not Required

A risk evaluation is not necessary for criminal history or abuse and neglect history at the time of a later background check if all of the following conditions are met:

 •   A risk evaluation was previously requested for the same finding of abuse or neglect or criminal conviction and DFPS approved the risk evaluation.

 •   A more recent criminal history check or DFPS abuse or neglect history check does not reveal a new finding or criminal conviction.

 •   The circumstances of the person's contact with children in the home are the same as when the previous risk evaluation was completed.

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