TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: Court-Related Processes and Legal Appointments Resource Guide :: Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) February 2022 :: DFPS Responsibilities

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: Court-Related Processes and Legal Appointments Resource Guide :: Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) February 2022 :: DFPS Responsibilities

DFPS Responsibilities 

  1. Provide Access to the Child’s Records and Information:  DFPS will make available to CASA, in a manner agreed to locally, the child’s records and other records as permissible by law, court order, or parental permission. Appendix A provides a listing of child and case records and the different methods of information storage and access. CASA has been provided access to electronic records in IMPACT through Case Connection. Records not in IMPACT or available in Case Connection reside with DFPS. Methods of access to child's records not in Case Connections are addressed in Appendix A. In early case and ex parte assignment, DFPS will provide access to the Child Caregiver Resource form, placement information, parent contact information and any additional information regarding relative or fictive kin support.  
  2. Support Access to Parent Records:  CASA will be granted access to parent records when a court order specifies that such a release of records is permissible, or upon a signed parental release. DFPS will be supportive of parental release of records requests at the onset of a case for CASA. 
  3. Provide Support and Access to Child:  DFPS caseworkers will provide information to CASA including all contact information, location and address, in a timely manner following CASA’s appointment to the case and ongoing throughout the case in support of CASA’s access to the child. Caseworkers will support access to the child to facilitate the in-person visits or other types of appropriate communication between the CASA and the child and will ensure contracted residential providers are aware of these requirements. 
  4. Notifications, Invitations, and Collaboration 


    DFPS will: 

    1. Provide notice as required by statute or rule to the CASA program of all hearings and in a timely manner of the intent to non-suit.  
    2. When CASA is assigned, DFPS will notify CASA of significant events per TAC Rule Title 40 Part 19 Chapter 700 Rule 1355 and CPS Policy Handbook section 6151 [sic, broken link]. This includes notifications that occur in initial stages of the case prior to the adversary hearing.  
    3. Notify CASA of meetings to develop or update the Child’s Plan of Service and provide a copy of the plan and any changes to the plan in accordance with Policy 6241.3 Participating in Development of the Child’s Plan of Service [sic, broken link]
    4. Notify CASA of planned mediations.  
    5. Notify CASA of significant events as outlined in Appendix B. 
    6. Notify CASA of the plan to change a child’s placement as soon as possible, but no later than five business days.  This will enable CASA to aid with the child’s transition and ensure, for example, the child’s belongings and personal documents move with the child. 
    7. Notify CASA as soon as possible but no more than three business days after a placement change occurs. 
    8. Notify CASA of change in caseworker prior to the change, if possible, but no later than five business days following the change. 

Invitations and Collaboration 

DFPS will: 

  1. Invite CASA to participate in Permanency Planning Meetings in accordance with Policy 6250 Permanency Planning Meetings [sic, broken link] and meetings held to develop or review the Child’s Plan of Service in accordance with Policy 6241.3 Participating in Development of the Child’s Plan of Service [sic, broken link]. CASA may assist in the engagement of family members and children in Family Meetings and Family Group Decision Making Meetings, including inviting interested parties to meetings outlined below, and as approved by DFPS. Invitations shall be made as soon as possible after the meeting is scheduled.  These meetings include, but are not limited to: 
    1. Family Group Decision Making meetings (e.g. Family Group Conferences and Circles of Support) 
    2. CFE Family Meetings 
    3. Permanency conferences 
    4. Any meetings to develop or review the Child’s Plan of Service 
    5. Mediation or other types of dispute resolution, including settlement conferences as outlined in CPS Policy Handbook section 5570 [sic, broken link] 
    6. Adoption presentation (see Policy 6939 [sic, broken link]
  2. Collaborate and consult with CASA in making placement decisions per Texas Family Code 264.107. In non-emergency placement changes, DFPS will provide opportunity for CASA to give input about child’s history, education, connections, normalcy and other expressed wishes of the child to assist in securing the most appropriate placement. 
  3. Collaborate and consult with CASA on transition planning for a placement change in a non-emergency situation.  
  4. In a situation requiring an emergency placement, contact CASA as soon as possible but no later than three business days to allow CASA to offer collaborative assistance in support of the child (i.e., medications, belongings, educational records) and the child’s successful move to the new placement. 

    DFPS may: 

  5.  Invite CASA to participate in other meetings not listed above, on a case-by-case basis or as determined by local agreement. CASA can provide insight and information continuity in these situations, as well as assist where needed to engage the child and family.  Invitations should be made as soon as possible after the meeting is scheduled.  These meetings include, but are not limited to: 
    1. Transfer staffings, where the case is transferred from one caseworker to another (especially when the case is transferred from one stage of service to the next) 
    2. Initial coordination meetings/removal staffings 
    3. Adoption selection meetings/selection staffings 
    4. Meetings to plan parent or sibling visitation

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