TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 7500 Home and Family Assessment :: 7515 Foster Home Verification

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 7500 Home and Family Assessment :: 7515 Foster Home Verification

A foster home's compliance with the Minimum Standards for Child-Placing Agencies does not guarantee that the home will become verified or that a child's placement will actually occur.

Verification and placement are based on the FAD worker's assessment of the applicant's ability to offer adequate care to a child for whom DFPS is responsible.

FAD staff must make an initial assessment of each prospective home to determine the number, ages, gender, and needs of children who may be placed in that home. FAD staff must also consider input given by the applicant when making decisions about placements.

If the FAD worker determines that an applicant is not an appropriate caregiver for children in DFPS conservatorship, the FAD worker must discontinue the verification process.

Race, Color, or National Origin

Federal law prohibits using a child's or prospective placement's race, color or national origin to delay or deny applicants the opportunity to become foster parents or adopt.

U.S.C. §1996b, the Multiethnic Placement Act of 1994 as amended by the Interethnic Adoption Provisions of 1996

FAD staff may consult with the regional attorney for further guidance.


Appendix 4115: Information to Consider About Race, Color, and National Origin (RCNO) in Placement Decisions

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