Georgia law (Chapter 31-19-1) requires that all dogs, cats, and ferrets be vaccinated for rabies. Reimmunizations are required annually or triennially, depending on the vaccine. Foster homes with exotic animals or wildlife (i.e. chimpanzees, snakes, raccoons, or large mammals) will require a health and suitability statement from a veterinarian and receive approval from the DFCS county director. However, any animal or pet concerns should be thoroughly discussed and documented during the assessment and re-evaluation process. National statistics have shown that children represent more than 60 percent of all dog bite cases. While no specific breed of dog can legally be classified as vicious or dangerous, it is important that foster parents are aware of the potential risks and consequences inherent with any pet or animal in general. Typically, a child is bitten by a familiar dog (i.e. a pet or the pet of a friend or neighbor). Frequent areas of attack include the child’s face, hands, neck, and head.
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