The investigator includes the child’s primary CPS caseworker and the primary caseworker’s supervisor in investigation staffings (see 4120 Supervisor Consultations During an Investigation) when a child with the role of alleged victim is identified as being in DFPS care. This includes a child for whom DFPS has temporary managing conservatorship or permanent managing conservatorship.
The investigator invites the child’s primary caseworker and the primary caseworker’s supervisor to attend the following investigation staffings after becoming aware that the child is in DFPS care:
- Interim staffing (see 4122 Interim Staffing With Supervisor)
- Dispositional staffing (see 4123 Dispositional Staffing and Determining the Findings)
- Any subsequent staffings, if the investigation has an approved extension
The supervisor documents the following in the same contact:
- A summary of the staffing.
- The participation of the child’s primary caseworker and the primary caseworker’s supervisor in the staffing.
Special Circumstances
The investigator contacts the child’s primary caseworker and the primary caseworker’s supervisor as soon as possible in any of the following situations:
- The investigator becomes aware of the alleged victim’s death or near fatal injuries.
- The investigator has immediate safety concerns, including any suspicion the alleged victim is being trafficked. If these concerns are present in the intake narrative, the child’s primary caseworker and the primary caseworker’s supervisor are invited to participate in the investigation assignment conference so they can assist with case planning (see 4121 Investigation Assignment Conference).
If the child’s primary caseworker or the primary caseworker’s supervisor does not attend a staffing, the CCI supervisor does the following:
- Emails a summary of the information discussed in the staffing to the primary caseworker and the primary caseworker’s supervisor on the same day the staffing occurred.
- Documents the emailed summary as a contact in the investigation record.
2112 Notifications of Investigations Involving a Child in DFPS Conservatorship
2120 Notifying Parents, Guardians, or Managing Conservators of Interview With Child
2132 Special Notifications for Investigations Involving Children in DFPS Conservatorship
3130 Allegations of Child Trafficking (Sex and Labor Trafficking)
3141 Documenting Child Sexual Aggression Determinations for a Child in DFPS Conservatorship
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