CPS is not required to develop a Family Plan of Service (FPOS) for the parents, or include the parents in the development of the child’s plan of service, if:
• the child’s parents are unknown or cannot be found despite the exercise of due diligence, as outlined in 5233 Exercising Due Diligence to Locate Missing Parents and Other Relatives;
• the court has:
• issued a finding that the parent has subjected the child to aggravated circumstances;
• issued a finding that the child was abandoned without identification and the child’s identity cannot be determined; or
• terminated the parent’s parental rights.
• CPS has been named permanent managing conservatorship (PMC) without termination of parental rights and the caseworker has determined, in accordance with 6365 [sic, broken link] Reassessing Inactive Parents and Parents Unable to Provide a Safe Home When Parental Rights Have Not Been Terminated, that case planning with the parents may be discontinued.
If a parent executes an affidavit of relinquishment of parental rights, a family plan must remain active and the parent must be included in case planning, until that affidavit is entered into the court records and the parent’s parental rights are terminated.
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