TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 7600 Developing Foster and Adoptive Homes :: 7621.3 Documenting Foster Home Evaluations

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 7600 Developing Foster and Adoptive Homes :: 7621.3 Documenting Foster Home Evaluations

Regardless of the reason for the FAD worker's evaluation of a foster home for compliance with Minimum Standards, the FAD worker must specifically document the minimum standard rule sections that were evaluated and state whether the foster home is in compliance.

The FAD worker must ensure that any deficiencies are correctly cited, and immediately address non-compliance with the foster parents.

The FAD worker must ensure that:

  •   documentation of deficiencies include plans for achieving compliance; and

  •   a plan for follow-up to ensure compliance is documented.

Minimum Standards for Child-Placing Agencies, 40 TAC §§749.2807 – 749.2813External Link

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