The FAD worker must close a verified foster home under certain circumstances. Those circumstances include, but are not limited to, situations in which:
• the foster parent repeatedly fails to comply with agency policy or corrective action plans;
• the foster parent refuses or repeatedly fails to comply with the Minimum Standards; or
• the foster parent refuses to allow the FAD worker to inspect the home, and the FAD worker and supervisor determine the foster home is not currently appropriate to meet the needs of a child in DFPS conservatorship.
Minimum Standards for Child-Placing Agencies, 40 TAC §§749.2819–749.2825External Link.
If the FAD worker decides to close a verified foster home, the FAD worker must:
• discuss the reasons for closure with the foster parents; and
• inform the foster parents orally and in writing that, before closure, they have the right to request:
• an unbiased administrative review of the decision; or
• a peer review, if the foster parents choose to waive the right to an administrative review.
7740 Administrative Review
7741 Peer Review Appeal Process for DFPS Verified Foster Parents
DFPS Rules, 40 TAC §700.1505External Link
If necessary, the FAD worker may remove any child in DFPS conservatorship from the home before the administrative or peer review.
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