TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 7700 Investigations in Foster Family and Adoptive Homes :: 7730 Safety Plans

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 7700 Investigations in Foster Family and Adoptive Homes :: 7730 Safety Plans

A Safety Plan is a voluntary agreement between a CPA and RCCL, implemented to ensure that a child in DFPS conservatorship is safe while a RCCL investigation is underway.

The FAD worker must implement a Safety Plan with a foster or adoptive home, upon request from RCCL.

Safety Plans list specific action items for the home and FAD worker to complete. The family and FAD worker can co-create these action items, which are designed to ensure immediate safety for children in care.

The FAD worker and foster or adoptive parents must sign the Safety Plan to signify their agreement to complete the action items. The Safety Plan ends when the RCCL investigation closes and the home complies with all required actions.

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