The FAD worker must complete DPS name-based criminal history and DFPS central registry checks for all babysitters, alternate caregivers, and relative caregivers before those individuals can provide services. The FAD worker must assess these checks in the same manner as when verifying foster families.
The FAD worker must complete a fingerprint-based criminal history check for a babysitter or alternate caregiver who provides care for a child in DFPS conservatorship in the child's foster home. The FAD worker must also conduct a fingerprint-based criminal history check on a relative if the relative provides care in the child's home. See 7922 Relatives.
Youth in care acting as babysitters are exempt from criminal and central registry checks.
7441 Evaluating Criminal History Results
7442 Evaluating DFPS and Out of State Abuse or Neglect History Results
DFPS Rules, 40 TAC §745.615External Link
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