TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 7900 Alternate Caregiving for Foster Children :: 7923.1 Approving and Documenting Adult Babysitters

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 7900 Alternate Caregiving for Foster Children :: 7923.1 Approving and Documenting Adult Babysitters

Background Checks

See 7910 Background Check Requirements for Babysitters and Intermittent Alternate Care Providers.

Experience and Training

The FAD worker must ensure that an adult babysitter has a minimum of six months child-care experience or has provided CPS staff with two personal or professional references who can describe the prospective babysitter's child-care experience. Child-care experience includes professional work experience, such as being a teacher, as well as personal experience such as babysitting related or unrelated children.

Ratio of Children to Babysitters

The FAD worker must ensure that an adult babysitter provides care for no more than six children at a time.


The FAD supervisor must review documentation related to the babysitter (including background checks). The FAD supervisor must determine whether to approve or deny the individual as a babysitter and document the determination in the foster family file. The prospective babysitter may only care for foster children after FAD approves him or her.


The FAD worker must maintain written documentation of the adult's child care experience and references in the case record of the foster family for whom the adult is providing services.


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