TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 6400 Services to Children in Substitute Care :: 6415 The Right to Regular Contact

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 6400 Services to Children in Substitute Care :: 6415 The Right to Regular Contact

When a child enters CPS’s managing conservatorship, CPS must ensure that a parent who is otherwise entitled to possession of the child is able to visit the child within five days of the date CPS is named the child’s temporary managing conservator, unless:

 •  CPS determines that visitation is not in the child’s best interest; or

 •  visitation with the parent would conflict with a court order relating to possession of or access to the child.

Texas Family Code §262.115

When a child in CPS’s managing conservatorship is in substitute care, the child and the child’s parents have a right to maintain regular contact with each other at a minimum of twice a month unless:

 •  the court restricts their contacts; or

 •  the parents:

 •  have executed an affidavit of relinquishment (see 5562 Voluntary Termination of Parental Rights); or

 •  had their parental rights terminated by the court.

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