Young adults over age 18 in Extended Foster Care can obtain a driver learner license or driver license without permission from the caseworker, but they do need the caseworker to complete a Form 2042 DFPS Youth or Young Adult in Foster Care Residency Verification for a Driver License or State Identification Card Fee WaiverPDF Document. This provides the needed documentation of their Texas residency and access to the DPS fee waiver for a driver learner license and driver license.
To facilitate this process, the caseworker does as follows:
- Completes Form 2042 for any young adult who is at least 18 years of age, but under 21, and is in a paid DFPS extended foster care placement.
- Assists the young adult in completing DPS Form DL-14A Texas Driver License or Identification Card ApplicationPDF DocumentExternal Link.
- Assists the young adult by gathering all DPS required identification documents.
See Personal Documents Resource GuidePDF Document for more information.
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