TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 9300 Placing Children From Another State In Texas :: 9363 Illegal Interstate Placements

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 9300 Placing Children From Another State In Texas :: 9363 Illegal Interstate Placements

If a caseworker learns or suspects that a child has been placed across state lines without the approval of an interstate compact office, even if a judge has ordered it, the caseworker immediately notifies TICO in writing about the placement.

Upon notification of the illegal placement, TICO must contact the other state’s interstate compact office to determine whether the placement is subject to the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC).

If the illegal placement is subject to the ICPC, the other state initiates an ICPC home study request.

If TICO does not receive an ICPC home study request, TICO staff must request that the child be returned to the other state.

See 5310 The Requirement for Staff to Elevate Certain Court Orders and its sub-items.

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