Type of Travel | Approval Required | CPS Staff Must |
Outside of Texas: Bordering States
| • If less than 72 hours, caregiver is not required to obtain caseworker approval. Caregiver must notify the caseworker of the travel by text, phone or email
This allows for participation in normalcy activities with school, caregivers, and other extracurricular activities
• If more than 72 hours, caseworker or supervisor approval required | Document travel in case file
Outside of Texas
| • Caseworker or supervisor approval
• Notice to the court, or the court's written approval if the court that has jurisdiction over the case requires it, or both | • Determine the appropriateness of the travel
• Notify the court about the plans to travel, or request court approval, as appropriate |
Outside of the U.S.
| • CPS State Office approval review
• Court approval | Follow steps outlined in 6474.1 Requesting Court Approval for International Travel
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