PAL case management is an essential part of service delivery to help youth and young adults transition into a successful adulthood. In PAL case management, an individual youth or young adult has a case manager who is usually a contract provider, but may be a PAL staff. The PAL case manager must determine the youth’s or young adult’s needs, arrange for services, and monitor the youth’s or young adult’s progress.
The case manager, in coordination with PAL staff, must network with community resources that address a wide range of transitional needs for youth and young adults. Case management includes referrals, as appropriate and when available to meet the youth or young adult’s needs, to:
• public and private agencies;
• community resources transition centers;
• workforce centers; and
• faith-based organizations.
PAL case management may begin before age 18, as appropriate, to engage the youth in transition planning. The case manager (typically the PAL contract provider) must involve the youth or young adult in developing a plan for self-sufficiency and must monitor the youth or young adult’s progress meeting the plan goals.
The youth or young adult participates in case management services voluntarily; however, if financial assistance is provided, participation is required.
The case manager must conduct a financial needs assessment before providing Aftercare Room and Board funds or other financial assistance.
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