TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 10200 Preparation for Adult Living (PAL) :: 10243 Payment Method for the PAL Transitional Living Allowance

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 10200 Preparation for Adult Living (PAL) :: 10243 Payment Method for the PAL Transitional Living Allowance

The PAL transitional living allowance is provided as part of the young adult’s financial management skills development. PAL staff or the PAL contractor must deliver the allowance to the young adult in person unless the young adult lives outside Texas or has a designated payee.

Payment is usually provided after the young adult has aged out or emancipated from care, but may begin before the young adult leaves care, if needed for items such as rent or room deposits.

If PAL staff suspends a young adult’s allowance, then reinstates it, the last payment must take place within 12 months of the first payment before the suspension. All payments must be made within the 12-month period. See 10245 Suspending PAL Transitional Living Allowance Payments.

Each PAL allowance payment must not exceed $500 and may be distributed over several months.

All payments must be made before the young adult’s 21st birthday.

PAL staff or the PAL contract provider must use the PAL Aftercare Report in IMPACT to designate how the young adult is spending the money. If during case management activities PAL staff or the PAL contract provider determines that the funds are not being used as intended, they must suspend funding. See 10245 Suspending PAL Transitional Living Allowance Payments for information on suspending and reinstating funding.

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