TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 10200 Preparation for Adult Living (PAL) :: 10250 Preparation for Adult Living (PAL) Aftercare Room and Board

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 10200 Preparation for Adult Living (PAL) :: 10250 Preparation for Adult Living (PAL) Aftercare Room and Board

The purpose of Preparation for Adult Living (PAL) Aftercare Room and Board is to prevent or alleviate homelessness, and help young adults achieve more positive outcomes in adulthood. Young adults who have no other community resources must have priority for this service.

42 USC §677External Link

While PAL Aftercare Room and Board assistance is not an automatic benefit, PAL staff or the PAL contract provider may provide assistance to a young adult who:

  •   has aged out of foster care but has not yet reached age 21; and

  •   shows a need for emergency or stabilizing assistance in the transition from foster care to a successful adulthood.

Case Management

While a young adult is receiving this assistance, the PAL staff or PAL contract provider (aftercare case manager) must work with the young adult to develop a plan for a successful adulthood after assistance ends. The case manager must develop strategies to help the young adult take on more responsibility and increase problem-solving skills so that the young adult learns to advocate for himself or herself in the future.

PAL staff or the PAL contract provider must refer youth to a transition center if one is available in the area.

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