TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 10200 Preparation for Adult Living (PAL) :: 10255 Payment Limits for PAL Aftercare Room and Board

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 10200 Preparation for Adult Living (PAL) :: 10255 Payment Limits for PAL Aftercare Room and Board

Payments must not exceed $500 per month per young adult. At times there may be a justifiable cause for the monthly amount to exceed $500 (such as when the rent payment and rent deposit are due the same month.) The regional PAL supervisor must approve exceptions to the per-month amount.

The total amount of accumulated payments for PAL Aftercare Room and Board assistance to a young adult between the ages of 18 and 21 must not exceed $3,000. Exceptions may be considered in an emergency or in special circumstances. The regional PAL supervisor must approve these exceptions and notify the state office PAL staff.

Payments must be made in the form of checks or vouchers to the landlord, vendor, apartment complex, utility company, or host home. The PAL contractor or PAL staff must maintain receipts. The PAL contractor or PAL staff may use vouchers or gift certificates for grocery stores.

PAL staff or the PAL contract provider may make a payment directly to the young adult in emergency situations on a one-time-basis per young adult, if a payment is for $100 or less. The regional lead PAL staff must approve a direct payment of this type that is over $50.

See the Transitional Living Services Resource GuidePDF Document for information on the gradual decrease of PAL Aftercare payments.

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