DFPS maintains data on all youth while they are in the PAL stage of service. The assigned PAL staff must close the PAL stage if the youth is on unauthorized absence status for three months or longer, or is no longer available for services. PAL stage closures occur at least quarterly to keep PAL workloads accurate. If a PAL stage is closed, but then the youth becomes available for services, the PAL stage can easily be re-opened with the Re-open PAL stage feature in IMPACT.
If a youth in the targeted priority population refuses PAL services, PAL staff must document DFPS’s efforts to encourage the youth to participate and the youth’s decision not to do so. Caseworkers and PAL staff must continue to make efforts to encourage participation in PAL services while a youth is in care. PAL staff checks Other in the PAL Services and Training page in IMPACT and notes the youth’s refusal in the Comments section.
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