The day care coordinator must notify the DFPS caseworker and supervisor or SSCC responsible for the child’s case if the day care coordinator learns that a child receiving DFPS-funded child day care is enrolled with a child day care provider whose licensing status has changed to either of the following:
- Probationary status
- Adverse action
Based on licensing status changes, the following actions must be taken when considering the enrollment of a child with a child day care provider:
- DFPS staff may not authorize a new enrollment of a child with a child care provider on probationary status or adverse action.
- For a child currently enrolled with a child care provider on probationary status, the DFPS caseworker and supervisor or SSCC consult with the program director to determine if the child’s needs are being met by the provider and if it is appropriate for the child to continue to receive child care services from the provider.
After consulting with the program director, the caseworker ensures the decision is documented in the case file and that the documentation includes:
- The date the caseworker consulted with the program director.
- The name and title of the supervisory staff approving the decision.
The caseworker notifies the day care coordinator about the decision.
For children currently enrolled with a child care provider on adverse action, the child’s enrollment must be terminated.
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