A caseworker may request day care for a Title IV-E or non-Title IV-E eligible foster child when both of the following are true:
- The child’s billing service level is Basic.
- The child is placed in a foster home with foster parents who are employed and work at least 40 hours per week outside the home. (Being a volunteer or a student, or providing foster care or kinship care services, is not considered employment.)
Foster Child Day Care is limited to providing daily supervision only at the following times:
- During the foster parents’ work hours.
- While the foster parents are attending:
- Judicial reviews
- Case conferences
- Foster parent training.
As funding permits, DFPS provides full-time foster day care services during spring break and summer vacation for children who attend a full-time school program. Caregivers must meet the employment eligibility criteria.
Foster Child Day Care is not authorized for any of the following:
- Full-time day care during school holidays.
- Teacher in-service days.
- Inclement weather days.
- Short breaks between semesters in a year-round school program.
- Part-time care.
- Before- or after-school care.
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