TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 8200 Direct Services for Active Cases :: 8235.61 Handling Program-Related Duties

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 8200 Direct Services for Active Cases :: 8235.61 Handling Program-Related Duties

The day care coordinator ensures that child day care is provided to clients according to DFPS policy, program priorities, and the approved allocation of regional resources.

Specifically, the day care coordinator must do all of the following:

  • Process and validate information on approved day care requests, generate IMPACT Form 2054 Service Authorization, and submit it to the appropriate child care service (CCS) agency.
  • Review Form 1809 Foster/Relative and Other Designated Caregiver Daycare VerificationPDF Document to verify that the foster parents sought and could not find appropriate day care services through community resources (such as Head Start, pre-kindergarten, and early education programs offered through local schools) before approving day care services through DFPS.
  • Apply procedures regarding the length of time for which child day care is being approved initially.
  • Establish and maintain procedures for renewing or extending child day care services.
  • Establish and maintain communication with the foster home’s development staff and consult with them on requests for child day care.
  • Develop and maintain contacts with local CCS agencies and serve as the contact between DFPS, SSCCs, CCS agencies, and the designated CCS facilities.
  • Initiate quarterly meetings with the local CCS agency staff as appropriate.
  • Maintain a waiting list to manage authorizations and referrals for child day care that cannot be approved immediately because of limited resources (work with appropriate staff to prioritize referrals).
  • Inform regional administrative and State Office staff about the provision of child care and any unmet needs.

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