The caseworker must assist the young adult in reviewing and revising the transition plan within 30 days of the placement.
The caseworker must review the plan with the young adult to ensure it includes:
• a description of the activities the young adult will be participating in and other activities which will help the young adult prepare for the transition from foster care to independent living;
• long-term housing options, health insurance, education goals, local mentoring opportunities, employment, and continuing support services;
• updated personal information in the young adult’s health and education records originally provided to the young adult when leaving care; and
• the young adult’s necessary personal documents. The caseworker identifies how missing documents will be obtained.
The transition plan may be as detailed as the young adult determines. The caseworker must conduct a face-to-face assessment with the young adult to determine if the plan is achievable and discuss areas of concern or the need for additional information.
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