GA :: Foster Parent Manual 2003 :: The Placement Process :: Pre-Placement Visits

GA :: Foster Parent Manual 2003 :: The Placement Process :: Pre-Placement Visits

If possible, visits between the foster parent and the child will be arranged prior to placement. This procedure benefits all parties involved in the process. Ideally, the child’s birth parents should be involved in this process, as the child needs to feel that he has his parent’s permission to live with someone else for a while. The time, place, number of visits and the persons involved will depend upon the circumstances in each case.

Steps you can take to help the pre-placement visits run smoothly include the following: 

• If the child is in the hospital, you should visit him there. 

• When the visits take place at the foster parent’s home it is always helpful to have only your household members present. 

• Have available, pictures of family members who are not present. 

• Have a light snack prepared for the child. 

• Show the child his room and the area where his personal belongings will be kept. 

• Discuss with the child where he will attend school. 

All of the above pointers will help the child feel better about his temporary home. Visits may last from forty-five minutes to an hour. Any questions or concerns about the child or the placement should be frankly discussed with the case manager after the visit.

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