GA :: Foster Parent Manual 2003 :: Meeting The Needs Of The Child :: Creating A Learning Environment In Your Home

GA :: Foster Parent Manual 2003 :: Meeting The Needs Of The Child :: Creating A Learning Environment In Your Home

Children often learn more from what they observe in their environment than from verbal instruction. Foster parents can create an environment in their home that encourages children to want to learn. Some of the measures you can take to achieve this include the following: 

• Have a variety of books, including those for children, in your home. Many books in good condition may be purchased for little or no cost from second hand stores, yard sales, during sales at book stores, or at local school book depositories. Encyclopedias may also be purchased at these locations. Obtain a library card for the child also. 

• Read to younger children. 

• Let children observe you reading the newspaper, books and other materials.

• Encourage children to express themselves verbally. They may share information regarding their school day, a field trip, their feelings and other experiences that occur from day to day. 

• Have children discuss their thoughts about lessons being taught as they watch television shows geared toward their level. 

• Identify days or evenings or special hours for reading or board games only – no television! 

• Establish a special place for studying, homework and reading. 

• Keep on hand paints, crayons, markers, clay, glue, and other colorful odds and ends in your home. 

• Encourage creativity. You can use inexpensive frames and matting made of construction paper to display children’s artwork 

• Display children’s work on the refrigerator or elsewhere in the home. 

• Support and encourage children’s hobbies such as collecting, making or building things. 

The various parenting and foster parent web sites are excellent sources for child rearing information. Just type in key words “foster care” or “foster parenting” to find links to the various web sites.

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