GA :: Foster Parent Manual 2003 :: Meeting The Needs Of The Child :: Driving And Ownership Of A Motorized Vehicle

GA :: Foster Parent Manual 2003 :: Meeting The Needs Of The Child :: Driving And Ownership Of A Motorized Vehicle

Driving a motorized vehicle is considered a privilege and not a right for youth, including youth in foster care. It represents a significant milestone in their maturation and has a significant impact on their sense of identity and self-confidence. For youth that will be emancipated from the foster care program, driving becomes an important step toward making the transition to independence. The responsibilities of driving involve tremendous social as well as legal implications for the youth, the birth parent, the foster parent or other substitute caretaker, and the agency. The deadly consequences of irresponsible and immature driving cannot be overemphasized.

Youth in the temporary or permanent custody of DFCS may, under certain conditions, obtain a "Class D Provisional License" at age 16-17 or Class C Driver's License if age 18 or older. The following procedures should be followed:

  • The youth must have made satisfactory progress toward the completion of the written Transitional Living Plan. 
  • Youth in foster care must be at least 16 years old to drive a motorized vehicle and must have been in care for a minimum of 18 months.
  • There must be some indication that the current placement will last until age 18 and beyond. 
  • A valid Georgia Driver’s license must be obtained prior to operating a vehicle, with or without an adult present.  
  • If parental rights have not been terminated, the birth parent must give written consent by signing form 9 (Consent for Youth to Drive a Motorized Vehicle) which consents for the youth to obtain a license and/or operate a vehicle. This form also documents the parent(s)’ understanding of their ultimate responsibility for any liability that occurs. 
  • The foster parent or other substitute caretaker must provide written permission for a youth to use their personal vehicle, with the full understanding that their only protection is their own personal insurance. 
  • The foster parent must sign form 11 (Acknowledgment of DFCS Driving Policy for Youth in Care) to acknowledge the liability which is assumed when a youth is permitted to drive and that the youth is covered by your policy.

Any consideration given to youth operating a motor vehicle should be based on the following criteria:

  • The judgment and maturity of the youth. 
  • The completion of a Driver’s Education course or quality informal instruction by a mature adult. 
  • School performance. 
  • The intended use of the vehicle (transportation necessity for school, work, training, etc.)  
  • Previous record of driving offenses. 
  • History of runaways or other status offenses. 
  • History of substance/alcohol abuse 
  • Completion of a “driving contract” between the foster parent and the youth regarding the general use of the vehicle and any contingencies. The Case Manager or Independent Living Coordinator can provide a sample contract.

Youth over the age of 18 must also abide by the above assessment criteria indicated for youth 16-18 in foster care and, in addition:

  • Must have signed form 7 (Consent to Remain in Foster Care) which reflects an understanding of the youth’s responsibility relative to the ownership and operation of a motor vehicle and other liability issues. 
  • Must be made to understand that ownership of a vehicle is dependent upon their ability to maintain the expense of operating a vehicle, including sufficient insurance protection (at least at the minimum level required by Georgia law).

The foster parent and the youth’s Case Manager must work together to see that all requirements are met. The agency director will have to give final approval.

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