GA :: Foster Parent Manual 2003 :: Meeting The Needs Of The Child :: The Foster Parent's Role In Supporting Permanency

GA :: Foster Parent Manual 2003 :: Meeting The Needs Of The Child :: The Foster Parent's Role In Supporting Permanency

The placement of a child in foster care is understood by everyone involved in child welfare to be a temporary solution for children and families who are experiencing a crisis in parenting. The primary goals, when a child comes into placement are the reunification of the child and birth family, if possible, and permanency. The Case Manager will work diligently with the birth family to resolve the problems that led to the child being placed and, if successful, the child will be returned home. If it is clear over time that this is not possible, the Case Manager will pursue other permanency options that were initiated early in the placement. The various options for the permanent placement of the child include:

  • birth parents 
  • other birth relatives 
  • foster parents 
  • prospective foster-adopt parents, or 
  • prospective adoptive parents

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