TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: Appendices :: Appendix 1581: Examples of Appropriate and Inappropriate Items and Services to Purchase With Lump Sum Benefits

Potentially Appropriate Items

The list below displays examples of items or services relating to the child’s disability which are appropriate to purchase with the child’s lump sum award. Items or services included as part of the child’s Medicaid benefit may not be purchased with the lump sum award. Special purchases should be recommended by a physician, therapist, or other professional providing habilitative or educational services for the child.


Examples of Item for Special Purchase

Examples of Disabilities

Orthodontic Procedures


For cosmetic purposes and self-esteem

Summer Camp related to



HIV, intellectual or cognitive disability, blindness, diabetes, mental illness, and so on

Clothing with Velcro fasteners or special design


Cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, quadriplegia, muscular dystrophy, and so on

Adaptive equipment or supplies that compensate for the disability

1. Shake bed alarm clock, light for door buzzer, and TTD phone

2. Seeing-eye dog

3. Monkey trained to assist

4. Assistive communication devices

5. Modified strollers

1. Hearing impairment

2. Sight impairment

3. Physical challenge

4. Cerebral Palsy

5. Multiple sclerosis, scoliosis, and so on

Adaptive toys

Handheld bells, light board, buzzing toy with a switch

Intellectual or cognitive disability, autism, sight and hearing impairment

Prescription sunglasses


Sight impairment

Special tutoring and tools


Learning disabilities and developmental delays

Massage therapy


Muscular constrictions

Objects used for sensory stimulation

Mobile, light board, textured toys, personal radio, jam box, stereo, and CD player

Sensory deficits

Minor home modifications, wheel chair lift


Need for wheelchair or adaptive equipment (appropriate for long-term foster care or adoptive home)

Occupational and physical therapy


Need for maintenance as well as habilitative therapy for severe physical disabilities

Hippo Therapy


Children with mental illness, intellectual disabilities

Contact lenses


For cosmetic purposes, self-esteem

Inappropriate Items

Generally, the following items are not appropriate for lump sum expenditures. Some of the items below may be appropriate if they address specific needs of the child:

  •   Drivers education or other emancipation-related activities that could be covered by PAL

  •   Respite for foster caregiver

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