GA :: Foster Parent Manual 2017 :: Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)

GA :: Foster Parent Manual 2017 :: Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)

A CASA, or Court Appointed Special Advocate, is a volunteer from within the local community who has been screened and trained by the CASA program, and appointed by the court to advocate for children who are involved in juvenile dependency proceedings. The judge appoints a CASA, who must present a court order from the judge verifying he or she has been assigned to a case. The role of a CASA is to provide the court with independent and objective information regarding the status of children involved in dependency cases. The CASA also provides recommendations regarding the best interests of the child. 

Because the CASA is engaged in assessing and monitoring the child’s ongoing needs andstatus while in placement, there will be occasions when foster parents are called upon to provide pertinent information about the child incare. 

The CASA and the child’s foster parent(s) should collaborate as thoughtfully and effectively as possible to advance the best interests of the child, such as: 

• CASA staff should be included as presenters at local IMPACT training sessions for foster parents 

• Presidents of local AFPAG groups should make presentations at CASA volunteer meetings 

• If your CASA volunteer and case manager cannot make the initial visit to your home together, your case manager will coordinate and schedule a CASA meeting with you 

• Subsequent visits to the foster home and with the child will be made directly by the CASA volunteer 

• Your CASA volunteer will make monthly face-to-face or telephone contact with the foster parent and/or the child in care. The law states the CASA will maintain regular and sufficient face-to-face contact with the child and, in a manner appropriate to the child’s developmental level, meet with and interview the child prior to custody hearings, adjudication hearings, disposition hearings, judicial reviews, and any other scheduled hearings 

The State’s CASA Program states a CASA volunteer cannot transport the child at any time. If a foster parent has a complaint or concern regarding the inappropriate behavior of a CASA volunteer, he or she should promptly inform the child’s case manager. 

DFCS foster parents are not allowed to serve as a Court Appointed Special Advocate in the State of Georgia.

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