MO :: Section 8, Chapter 2 (Personnel), Subsection 4 – Student Intern Policy and Procedure :: 2.4 Student Intern Policy and Procedure

MO :: Section 8, Chapter 2 (Personnel), Subsection 4 – Student Intern Policy and Procedure :: 2.4 Student Intern Policy and Procedure

Student interns will be expected to work to meet the needs of the children and families served by the Children’s Division (CD). Supervisors are expected to approve and monitor work to assure policy, standards, and practice are followed and adhered to while the students are in their placements.

  1. Initial CD Supervisor Responsibilities
    1. Supervisor should ensure the student/volunteer reads and/or completes the following forms or documents and complies with the following requirements: (These forms and documents can be accessed electronically and printed from the Human Resources Center New Employee Packet Checklist which can be found at http://dssweb/dpl/pages/newhirechklst.htm.)
      • Application for Internships/Volunteers;
      • Fingerprint Referral Form (See DSS Policy 2-107 – Background checks);
      • Department of Social Services Confidentiality and Information Security Agreement;
      • I-9 Form;
      • Sexual Harassment/Inappropriate Conduct Policy and Acknowledgment (ADM-2101);
      • Alcohol and Drug-free Workplace Policy (ADM-2110);
      • Department of Social Services Employee Handbook;
      • Employee Acknowledgment of Agency Disclaimer;
      • Provide proof of valid driver’s license, vehicle registration and insurance coverage; and
      • Department of Social Services Protection of Health Information Policy Acknowledgment (HIPAA).
      • Application for Identification Card. Application should be completed and taken to appropriate agency personnel at the local Children’s Division office for picture taking and data entry unless otherwise instructed.  Personnel issuing the card shall select “Intern” in the drop down menu when selecting the job classification to display on the identification card.
    2. The CD Supervisor is also responsible for the following:
      • Participating in the development of written agreement/plan between volunteer or student intern and his/her school, college or university and the Division outlining the desired individual learning activities, supervision expectations and duration of placement.
      • Developing a work schedule with the student intern which is agreeable to both the CD and Field Instructor in order to complete necessary hours for the semester.
      • Ensuring the student intern/volunteer has computer access as appropriate and necessary to perform his/her assigned activities. Student interns will be allowed to access to the electronic systems necessary to perform their duties after completing the required security forms and receiving security approval.  Data entered into electronic systems by the student intern must be approved by the supervisor.
      • Completing placement agreement form as required by school/college.
      • Keeping student interns informed of new policies.
      • Conducting and documenting meetings with interns at least one hour a week.
      • Keeping files on every intern in accordance with the manner in  which personnel files are kept.
      • Tracking attendance record on student interns.
      • Completing required evaluations from college, honestly, fairly, addressing personnel practices.

2. Duties and Responsibilities of Student Interns:

    1. Complete all requirements listed in Section 8 Chapter 2.4.1.
    2. Carry student/volunteer identification card at all times while performing duties or participating in CD business activities.
    3. Adhere to all agency policy, standards, and practice related to placement.
    4. Adhere to agency policy regarding computer usage and confidentiality agreement.
    5. Follow policies in DSS Administrative Manual.
    6. Be punctual and dependable.
    7. Dress and behave professionally and report all absences according to agency rules.
    8. Be responsible for attendance and contacting supervisor when absent, arranging to complete the make-up hours.
    9. Complete tasks and responsibilities thoroughly and timely with a positive attitude.
    10. Keep appointments and other agreed upon commitments.
    11. Handle any issues of conflict in a professional manner.
    12. Maintain confidentiality.
    13. Maintain high personal and ethical standards which comply with NASW Code of Ethics.
    14. Prepare for supervision and actively participate in supervisory conferences.
    15. Receive prior approval from Field Instructor and inform CD supervisor of any schedule changes.
    16. Maintain a daily time sheet which will be provided to the Field Instructor.
    17. Request and be reimbursed for travel expenses consistent with the policy for regular employees.

Disciplinary action may be taken against student interns who willfully violate DSS policies.

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