The purpose of this memorandum is to inform staff of updates to policy and procedures regarding development of new placement types, and corresponding updates to the SS-60 Vendor Licensure/Placement Resource Report and SS-61 Alternative Care Client instructions, code sheets and forms. In the past, the Children’s Division has been unable to identify placement providers of children in the system in a Court Ordered (CTO) relative or non-relative placement. New codes have been added to better identify and track all children who are court ordered in a relative or non-relative kinship placement or in foster home placements.
All current CTO placements with a relative (C) or non-relative (D) subtype must be converted to one of the new Relative (RH) or Kinship (KH) codes by January, 31, 2006. Effective immediately staff will no longer be able to enter any new placement subtypes of CTO-C or D on the SS-61. The current CTO-C or D subtypes will continue to appear on the SS-61 turnaround until all conversions have been completed. A system generated listing of children in those placements will be sent to Regional Directors and Quality Assurance (QA) Specialists each month until all conversions have been completed. The QA Specialists have been trained on the CTO conversion process and will support Circuits in training and assisting staff with the conversions.
Placement Codes on SS-61 (Field 47):
- RHU- an unlicensed Relative Home
- KHU- an unlicensed Non-Relative Kinship Home
- KHO- a licensed Non-Relative Kinship Home
- KHB- a licensed Behavioral Non-Relative Kinship Home
- KHM- a licensed Medical Non-Relative Kinship Home
Due to the volume of children currently in CTO-C or D placements it is anticipated there will not be a high number of new KHO, KHB or KHM placements. Many of the conversions may be either RHU or KHU placement types. The conversions will then more accurately reflect an increase of children placed in relative or kinship homes as desired by our Program Improvement Plan (PIP).
For the purpose of differentiating relative versus non-relative placements: a Relative (RH) placement signifies the child and placement provider are related by blood, marriage or adoption. A Kinship (KH) placement signifies there is no blood, marriage or adoption relationship but a close relationship exists between the child and kinship provider.
Staff shall also check the appropriateness of the current placement type for ALL children in ACTS. Those children living with a relative but are currently tracked as FHO must be changed to accurately reflect a relative placement type. If children are placed with a relative, the only appropriate placement types are: RHO, RHB, RHM, RHU or ADR.
Per CD policy, Section 6 Chapter 3, an unlicensed placement provider can receive a maintenance payment of state-only funds for 30 days if they are pursuing licensure. Those providers already in the system as CTO-C or D must decide whether or not they want to be licensed, complete training and enter into a contractual agreement with the CD. If the provider does not want to be licensed, staff will still need to complete the SS-60 to obtain a vendor number. Staff will need to check vendor screens, VNME and VNMA, in PROD to verify the placement provider does not already possess a vendor number. If the vendor already has an assigned vendor number, that Departmental Vendor Number (DVN) should be used to update the SS-60. If there is no vendor number, an SS-60 will need to be completed in order for the placement provider to be assigned a DVN. Field 24a on the SS-60 is a new field to document the vendor’s Licensing Status of:
- 1=the vendor meets licensing and training requirements
- 2=the vendor is pursuing licensure
- 3=the vendor is not pursuing licensure or maintenance
- Code ‘1’ will correspond to placement types: KHO, KHB, KHM, RHO, RHB, and RHM. If the vendor’s license has expired and the vendor chooses to meet licensing requirements, they must apply for a new license before this field can be updated.
- Code ‘2’ will correspond to placement types: RHU and KHU ONLY. If a vendor is pursuing licensure, the vendor can be updated to reflect when licensure has been completed to Code ‘1’. If it is determined the vendor does not meet licensure requirements or later chooses not to receive maintenance, the vendor should be updated to Code ‘3’.
- Code ‘3’ will correspond to placement types: RHU and KHU ONLY. Vendors classified as a Code ‘3’ do not meet licensure requirements or opt not to be licensed. These vendors are not eligible for maintenance.
The licensing status entered in Field 24a on the SS-60 determines the maintenance code in Field 56 on the SS-61. See the chart below for data entry information.
Placement Type | LICENSURE CODES 1, 2, 3 FIELD 24a ON SS-60 | MAINTENANCE CODES ON SS-61 |
KHU/RHU | 2 = Pursuing licensure
3 = Not pursuing licensure | IF Kinship/Relative Status = 2: Enter code of ‘1’ in field 56 on SS-61. IF Kinship/Relative Status = 3: Enter code of ‘3’ in field 56 on SS-61 |
KHO/RHO | 1 = Vendor meets licensure,
| When licensure is completed on kinship/relative providers within 30 days and ZVLI (field 24a) is updated within 30 days to a ‘1’, ZCC3 (field 56) will be correct. If licensure is not completed within 30 days, update ZVLI (field 24a) to a ‘1’ and update ZCC3 (field 56) on the SS-61 from ‘3’ to ‘1’ |
KHB/RHB | 1 = Vendor meets licensure,
| Update ZCC3 (field 56) on the SS-61 from ‘1’ to ‘4’ (above standard rate). Enter the monthly rate for behavioral care. |
KHM/RHM | 1 = Vendor meets licensure,
| Update ZCC3 (field 56) on the SS-61 from ‘1’ to ‘4’ (above standard rate). Enter the monthly rate for medical care |
SS-60 and SS-61 CHANGES
The SS-60 and SS-61 instructions, code sheets and forms have been changed to reflect the new codes. Hyperlinks are included for staff to link to updates.
- SS-60 Instructions:
KH has been added to the following fields which must be completed for this vendor type:
Field 1, Field 13, Field 18, Sections C (includes new Field 24a information), D, E, F and
Attachments A-1, A-2, and A-3. - SS-60 Code Sheet:
KH has been added to Field 3.
Field 24a is for Licensing Status. - SS-60 Form:
Reflects KH added to Sections C, D, E, and F. - SS-61 Instructions:
Updates are reflected in Section C-Grid, Special Instructions Grid, Field 47, Field 47a, 47c,
48 & Notes. The demographics in Fields 48a-48h are no longer necessary and will be
removed from the entry form, but continue on the turnaround until all conversions have been completed. - SS-61 Code Sheet:
Updates occur in Fields 47 and 47a. - SS-61 Form:
The entire row for CTO-1 and CTO-2 Provider information has been removed.
The following changes have been made to the CW manual.
Section 2 Chapter 7.1 and—reflects the addition of Licensed Foster Parents/Relatives/Kinship, and the heading changed from Division Foster Parent to Licensed/Unlicensed Placement Provider in
Section 4 Chapter 4.4.1—redefines the definition of kinship care as no blood, marriage or
adoption relationship, but a close relationship exists between the child and kinship provider.
Section 4 Chapter 4 Attachment B, page 1—“Placement shall be in a licensed home which has
a contract with the Children’s Division to provide foster care, relative/kinship care,
foster/adoptive care, residential treatment and family group home services.”
Section 4 Chapter 5 Attachment A—the grid has been updated.
Section 4 Chapter 12.3—Agency Arranged Kinship Care section: the information has been
updated on steps to take once a relative or kinship provider has been identified, as well as the
process for completing the SS-60/SS-61 for licensing and maintenance.
Section 6 Chapter 3.1, page 3 in Foster/Kinship Family Assessment section: added the name of
the SS-60 form.
Staff can now access the updated versions of the instructions, code sheets and forms for the SS-60 and SS-61 in E FORMS via the Employee Intranet Home page in Word. Staff should delete the outdated documents in One Form on their personal computers.
NECESSARY ACTION: Please review this memorandum with all Children’s Division staff.
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PDS CONTACT: Belinda Kay Luke Fisher, PDS 573-751-8615 Belinda.K.LukeFisher@dss.mo.gov | PROGRAM MANAGER: Cindy Wilkinson 573-751-3171 Cindy.R.Wilkinson@dss.mo.gov |
COUNCIL ON ACCREDITATION (COA) STANDARDS: S10.4.03 (Kinship care as an alternative placement to prevent removal) S21(Foster and Kinship Care Services) | |
PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT PLAN (PIP): P1.6.1 Increase system capacity to accurately track placement kinship vendor types |