The purpose of this memorandum is to notify staff of the rate change for foster care, adoption and guardianship subsidy maintenance, CTS services, residential care services and respite for foster youth.
Effective July 1, 2017 a 1.5% rate decrease is applied to adoption and guardianship subsidy maintenance, CTS services and residential services. An increase in rate is applied to foster care respite. The new rates were automatically generated for service dates on or after July 1, 2017.
Section 4 Chapter 30 Attachment G: Payment Rate for Adoption and Guardianship Agreements has been updated to reflect the new rates. Section 8 Chapter 7, Attachment A: Children’s Treatment Services (CTS) Catalog has been updated, as well as the respite policy found in Section 4 Chapter 17 Subsections 6, 7 and 8.
A residential rate chart will be going to all Residential Care Screening Team (RCST) Coordinators. Updated charts for subsidy maintenance can be found in policy, as well as a new chart for respite and an updated catalog for CTS services.
Tips for Entering Maintenance Levels:
Staff should not manually enter the new rates on the SS-61 Placement Information Screen for children with a “Standard Rate (1)” Maintenance Level. The “Maintenance Amount” field should always be left blank. The FACES Financial System will automatically generate the appropriate rate for all maintenance levels based on placement type or the subsidy agreement.
Staff should not manually enter the new rates on the SS-61 Placement Information Screen for children with a “Standard Rate (1)” Maintenance Level. The “Maintenance Amount” field should always be left blank. The FACES Financial System will automatically generate the appropriate rate for all maintenance levels based on placement type or the subsidy agreement.
“Above Standard Rate (4)” or “Below Standard Rate (2)” maintenance levels should only be selected when a maintenance level amount has been approved and it is not a state contracted rate. These rates are entered on the SS-61 in maintenance level field box.
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PDS CONTACTS Sarah Bashore (Subsidy) (573)-751-0311 Elizabeth Tattershall (Respite) (573) 522-1191 Elizabeth.Tattershall@dss.mo.gov Nancy Reid (CTS Catalog) (573) 522-2316 Catherine Sims (Residential) (660) 886-8194 x254 | PROGRAM MANAGERS Amy Martin (573)751-3171 Tasha Toebben (573) 526-3899 Jennifer Richter (573) 751-8926 |
CHILD WELFARE MANUAL REVISIONS Section 4 Chapter 11 Attachment A: Standard Payment Rate for Foster Family Alternative Care Section 4 Chapter 30 Attachment G: Payment Rate for Adoption and Guardianship Agreements Section 4 Chapter 17 Respite Care Subsection 6: Guidelines for Use Section 4 Chapter 17 Respite Care Subsection 7: Reimbursement for Respite Care Section 8 Chapter 7 Attachment A: Children’s Treatment Services Catalog | |