MO :: Section 4, Chapter 2 (Placements), Subsection 4 – Therapeutic Foster Care Placements :: 2.4.1 Referral Process

MO :: Section 4, Chapter 2 (Placements), Subsection 4 – Therapeutic Foster Care Placements :: 2.4.1 Referral Process

Children referred to the program shall be between the ages of 6-20 and demonstrate behavior which indicates the need for an intensive and individualized therapeutic intervention.

If the decision is made that therapeutic foster care (TFC) can best meet the child’s clinical needs, referrals to the TFC program shall follow these guidelines:

  • The case manager must assess the child’s need, via completion of the Residential and Specialized Placement Referral (CS-9), for therapeutic foster care.
    • If other services are needed, involve the Department of Mental Health (DMH): Division of Comprehensive Psychiatric Services (CPS)/Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) at this time to maximize interagency expertise and financial participation.
  • The FST shall assess the child’s needs and devise the treatment plan:
    • Because placement should always be in the least restrictive setting, efforts should be made to place a child with a relative home, traditional foster home, or an elevated needs home prior to referral to TFC.
    • Collateral documentation of behavior or other factors that indicate a need for therapeutic foster care services should be provided.
    • The treatment plan must include strategies to allow for the child to remain “connected” to his/her family, kin, community, etc.
    • Connection to the community must be an integral part of the treatment plan for older youth who have a permanency plan of independent living.
  • Submit the following materials to the RCST Coordinator when the child has met the above criteria. The family, community members, or others who know the child can help with providing this material:
    • Completed CS-9 that includes the CSPI:
    • Social history or psychosocial assessment or court assessment completed within last 60 days
    • Current case plan (CS-1)
    • Current school report/grade level and any applicable records. For children with special education requirements, current Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and educational diagnostic assessment
    • Medical history
    • Immunization record
    • Court orders and petitions
    • Criminal history
    • Psychological/psychiatric evaluation, and
    • For any youth age 16 and over, include CS-3 Life Skills Inventory, Daniel Memorial Life Skills Inventory, or CS-1 Attachment.
  • The case manager, supervisor, and RCST Coordinator will share information about the referral, discussion of possible placement resources, the urgency of need for placement, and other relevant information.

The RCST Coordinator will screen the referral and, if appropriate, will notify the case manager by email if the child is approved for TFC.  The case manager shall begin the process of identifying a TFC placement. Once a TFC home is identified the case manager will notify the RCST.   The RCST will determine the initial treatment period, not to exceed 6 months and authorize all items on the service authorization.  The TFC provider in collaboration with the case manager shall set up a meeting to review the progress on the child’s individual treatment plan and discuss the discharge/transition plan no later than five months from the date of the child’s placement in the TFC home.   In order to prepare for child’s discharge/transition, a review shall be conducted by the RCST or other Department designee at the end of five months to ensure a successful transition.   If additional time is requested, the TFC provider and case manager shall seek authorization from the RCST or other Department designee to keep the child in the current TFC program.  The request shall specify the clinical and behavioral need(s) for extending the placement and shall identify specific treatment interventions and services that will be provided to meet the child’s treatment needs.


Additionally, the RCST Coordinators will verify a child’s REHAB-RT eligibility prior to entering any service authorization for TFC. If the RCST Coordinator determines that an otherwise REHAB eligible youth has not had eligibility established in the FACES system, they will immediately contact the child’s case manager and/or supervisor. Service authorizations for TFC treatment services are not to be entered without verification that the FACES system indicates the child’s eligibility.

  • Carry out any of the following actions as appropriate to the RCST Coordinator’s decision or recommendations:
    • Advise court and develop alternative treatment and/or case plan if the referral is determined inappropriate or if other options for placement have been suggested.
    • Coordinate all planning if county of current placement is different from county of jurisdiction.
    • Case manger begins search for TFC home placement
    • Notify the RCST Coordinator and TFC Coordinator in writing when TFC placement has been secured, providing name of TFC home, or if TFC home is no longer needed.
      Written notification should be made in all instances of placement or withdrawal of placement request.
    • RCST will authorize the TFC placement service.
  • Receive notification from provider of date for pre-placement interview visit.
  • Proceed with placement preparation including the following:
    • Prepare the child and parents for change in placement. Provide information about the facility, location, special programs, visitation arrangements, etc.
    • Assess clothing needs and seek approval for expenditure if clothing is needed.
    • Arrange dental and medical examination within 30 days prior to actual placement, if provider requires more recent medical report.
  • Assure the child’s arrival at the facility on the date arranged for entry.
  • Update the AC Client Information screen to denote a new placement.
    • Complete a payment request if any special expenses are needed, have been approved, and are not included in the residential treatment contract.
    • Update the AC Client Information screen to remove maintenance for any child entering a residential treatment agency.
  • Provide any needed placement support services consistent with the CS-1 including services to the parents:
    • Receive progress reports from the provider. The initial evaluation and plan of care should be in compliance with the FST plan, or if different, the reasons for any change must be documented.
    • Determine what needs to occur to facilitate the child’s return to family or to another permanent placement in the community, coordinating and planning with the parent(s) and using recommendations of provider and the RCST Coordinator.
    • Representatives of the treatment provider mustbe invited to attend the FST meeting. The treatment facility staffing can be combined with FST when appropriate as treatment goals, modality, and progress of child and family should be relevant discussion for members of both groups. Often the team members are the same for both meetings.
    • Notify the RCST Coordinator in writing, immediately, of any child removed from an authorized placement. Include the date of discharge and identification of the present placement resource.
  • Integrate the content of progress reports into services to the parents, FSTs, case plan development, reports to court, etc. The family may be included in therapeutic services provided to the child.
  • Receive written notification from the RCST Coordinator at least 60 days prior to expiration date of treatment authorization.
  • Receive notification from the provider at least 30 days prior to planned discharge of the child. If the FST has determined that the child and family are to be reunited, this plan shall be put into place. The TFC contractor, through therapeutic intervention with the youth and family, as well as working with the assigned case manager, shall identify necessary systems to support the family and youth during reunification. The case manager and other members of the FST will assure these supports are available to the family and youth as the goal of reunification is put into place. If the FST determines that return to the family or to another family setting is not appropriate, the case manager will:
    • Submit recommendations to the RCST Coordinator regarding child’s continued need for treatment as soon as possible.
  • The case-manager shall continue to determine what needs to occur to facilitate the child’s return to family or to another permanent placement in the community, coordinating and planning with the parent(s) and using recommendations of provider and the RCST Coordinator. The case manager shall continue to utilize this needs list to develop the treatment plan to be implemented by the case manager and the TFC contractor. If it appears the child will be unable to return to family of origin, the FST, with the involvement of the child and family shall develop alternate plans for the child using concurrent planning and meeting the Court and ASFA time lines. The child and his family shall be encouraged to locate relative placements or other permanent placements that will allow the child to remain involved with his/her family of origin, even if it is not realistic for the youth to be reunited with his/her family.
  • Provide transitional services when the child returns to own family. If the child is unable to return to his/her family of origin, transitional services are provided as appropriate to meet the child’s needs and permanency plan.

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