IL :: DCFS Policy Guide :: 2014.16 - Recording Of AFCARS Required Information

IL :: DCFS Policy Guide :: 2014.16 - Recording Of AFCARS Required Information

  • To: All DCFS and Private Agency Child Protection and Child Welfare Workers and Supervisors, CAPU Staff and Supervisors, Regional Clerical, Regional Adoption Coordinators and Staff, Licensing Staff and Supervisors, and Licensing Application Clerical Staff and
  • From: Bobbie Gregg, Acting Director


The purpose of this Policy Guide is to inform investigation and casework staff of revised requirements in recording Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) required tracking information, including but not limited to, client gender, race, and ethnicity, on the CFS 1410, CFS 718 A and CFS 718 B, and subsequently on the CFS 484 when the permanency goal changes to Adoption (25) or Subsidized Guardianship (26) in Department data systems such as SACWIS and CYCIS. New CYCIS and SACWIS codes are being added to more accurately reflect personal data gathered by staff and to correctly code when staff is unable to gather specific gender, race and ethnicity information. These new codes are to be used in CYCIS and SACWIS, including but not limited to, when entering and correcting individual information from the CFS 1410, CFS 718 A and CFS 718 B, and the CFS 484 form. These forms have been updated to reflect these changes.

Accurate data collection and recording is critical to child welfare planning, service delivery, internal and external reporting, and funding. Data must be reviewed, verified, collected and, if needed, corrected as early as possible from case opening and throughout the life of the case.


Primary users are DCFS and POS Child Protection Specialists, Child Welfare Staff, their Supervisors and Managers, CAPU Staff and Supervisors, Regional Clerical, Regional Adoption Coordinators and their Staff, Licensing Staff and Supervisors, and Licensing Application Clerical Staff and Supervisors.


It is widely recognized that data is utilized in child welfare organizations to make decisions, plan for programs and initiatives, measure outcomes and ultimately improve service delivery to children and families. In addition to data used to determine state level planning and service delivery for programs such as State funded adoptions and guardianship services, states are required to periodically provide data to the Administration of Children and Families (ACF) on state programs. Data reported to ACF is used to determine state level compliance with federal measures and to establish program improvement guidelines when improvements are necessary.

AFCARS collects case-level information from state and tribal Title IV-E agencies on all children in foster care and those who have been adopted with Title IV-E agency involvement. Examples of data reported in AFCARS include demographic information on the foster child as well as the foster and adoptive parents, the number of removal episodes a child has experienced, the number of placements in the current removal episode, and the current placement setting. Title IV-E agencies are required to submit the AFCARS data twice a year based on two 6-month reporting periods. 

It is the expectation of the Department that critical data collected on children and families served by the Department is accurate and recorded in a timely manner. These instructions are intended to ensure that staff responsible for recording case level data is informed of the requirements for data entry.


Before creating the CFS 1410, the following should be completed for each case member on their individual person management screens in SACWIS (items listed with * indicate required). Staff shall pay special attention and are responsible for the accurate and full completion of all required data. Please follow the instructions below in order to properly complete the “Gender,” “Primary Race”, and “Ethnicity” fields which have been defined by the Federal government.

  1. Basic information Tab* Correct spelling of last and first name, middle name if available
    1. * Gender

      Enter the appropriate code for each client listed. CYCIS codes for gender are only a single alpha character.

      F = Female
      M = Male
      UK = Unknown

      “UK = Unknown” is to be selected in those instances where the worker is unable to determine the child’s gender and has not inquired as to the gender.

    2. Date of Birth
    3. Marital Status & verification, if known
    4. * US Citizen & Citizenship Verified
    5. * National Origin (if case member is American citizen, this will be ‘Not a National’)
    6. Military Family Member (if known)
    7. Religion (if known)
    8. Place of Birth Information
      1. City, State, if known
      2. Country
      3. County
      4. Verification Code
    9. * Primary Race

      Enter the client’s primary race and any other races that apply (i.e., most applicable or reported by the individual). In the case of young children, the care-giving person provides this information.

      NA = Native American/Alaskan (Indian or Eskimo)
      AO = Asian
      BL = Black/African American
      PI = Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
      WH = White
      UK = Unknown
      DI = Declined to Identify
      CV = Could not be Verified

      “UK = Unknown” is to be selected in those instances where the worker has not inquired as to the primary race.

      “DI = Declined to Identify” is to be selected in those instances where the worker does inquire about the primary race and the caller, client or caregiving person declines to provide the information.

      “CV = Could not be verified” is to be selected in the instance of an infant or very young child without a means to verify (i.e., caller is unsure the primary race of a child seen in a public setting or a child with no adult caregiver present to verify) or in the instance where a worker is unsuccessful in locating an individual.

    10. Preferred Language
    11. Interpreter needed, if 10) above is any language other than English
    12. Other Race, if known
    13. Other Language
    14. * Ethnicity

      Ethnicity currently relates only to Hispanic ethnicities. Enter the code that most accurately describes the individual’s Hispanic ethnicity. Enter NONE for non-Hispanic individuals.

      NH = Not Hispanic (NONE)
      HS = Hispanic South American
      HM = Hispanic Mexican
      HP = Hispanic Puerto Rican
      HD = Hispanic Spanish Descent
      HC = Hispanic Cuban
      HA = Hispanic Central American
      HN = Hispanic Dominican
      HO = Hispanic Other
      UK = Unknown
      DI = Declined to Indentify
      CV = Could not be Verified

      “UK = Unknown” is to be selected in those instances where the worker has not inquired as to the ethnicity.

      “DI = Declined to Identify” is to be selected in those instances where the worker does inquire about the ethnicity and the caller, client or caregiving person declines to provide the information.

      “CV = Could not be verified” is to be selected in the instance of an infant or very young child without a means to verify (i.e. caller is unsure the ethnicity of a child seen in a public setting or a child with no adult caregiver present to verify) or in the instance where a worker is unsuccessful in locating an individual.

    15. SSN, enter any known numbers
    16. AKA, specifically maiden names, other married names and nicknames
    17. Tribe – ID
    18. Reservation
    19. Date SSN Applied for
  2. Contact Info Tab
    1. Phone, any numbers known
    2. * Address
      1. Ensure correct residence address is entered and marked as ‘Primary’
      2. Expand all other / older addresses & ‘End Date’ to remove them from list

V. CFS 718, Authorization for Background Check Forms

The CFS 718 A, Authorization for Background Check - Foster Care and Adoption and CFS 718 B, Authorization for Background Check - Child Care have been revised to accommodate accurate identification and documentation of race and ethnicity. Prior to submitting the Authorization for Background Check form to the licensing worker or the Central Office of Licensing, as indicated in the instructions, for completion and entry into the BC-03 screen, the licensing or placement/adoption worker must check the form for completeness and accuracy, making sure that the race and ethnicity codes outlined on the form and under Section IV of this Policy Guide have been used correctly.

VI. CFS 484, Adoption/Guardianship Tracking form

When the permanency goal changes to either Adoption (25) or Subsidized Guardianship (26), the CFS 484 must be completed to document various AFCARS requirements established by ACF. The worker having responsibility for developing the adoption or guardianship packet is also responsible for thoroughly completing the CFS 484. The responsible worker is to use the gender, race, and ethnicity codes outlined under Section IV of this Policy Guide to capture the accurate data.

The completed CFS 484 will be submitted to the designated DCFS adoption unit at the point of submitting the adoption or guardianship packet for Department approval.

During the review of the adoption or guardianship packet, the DCFS adoption supervisor will ensure the CFS 484 is accurately and fully completed.

Following the DCFS adoption supervisor’s approval of the adoption or guardianship packet, a copy of the CFS 484 will be forwarded to the designated adoption clerical for data entry.


Questions regarding this Policy Guide may be directed to the Office of Child and Family Policy at 217-524-1983 or via Outlook at OCFP – Mailbox. Non Outlook users may e-mail questions to


CFS 484, Adoption/Guardianship Tracking form (Rev. 12/2014)
CFS718 A and CFS 718 B, Authorization for Background Check (Rev. 12/2014)


File this Policy Guide immediately following Administrative Procedures #5, Child Welfare Case Record Organization & Uniform Recording Requirements.



AUTHORIZATION FOR BACKGROUND CHECK for Foster Care & Adoption (Instructions)