The screener may contact any or all of the following:
- Reporter. The screener contacts the reporter at the phone number provided to the intake specialist during intake. The screener does not use any phone number obtained from the call recording application.
- Child’s Conservatorship (CVS) or single source continuum contractor (SSCC) caseworker or supervisor (regarding knowledge of the incident).
- Professionals involved in the reported incident (for example, medical personnel, law enforcement, or school personnel).
- Previous or current Residential Child Care Investigations (RCCI) caseworkers or Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) staff with internal knowledge of the operation or foster home.
The screener may obtain supporting documents, such as photos or medical paperwork, from the reporter or a collateral by providing an email address where the reporter or collateral can send the documents. The screener attaches these documents to the email sent to the routing coordinator and supervisor. These documents are not used as a primary source for deciding the priority of the intake.
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