Department of Mental Health (DMH) Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) placements shall only be considered if such placements best meet the child’s treatment needs. In order to be eligible for this type of setting, the child must be waiver eligible as determined by DMH-DDD. A DMH placement, such as an Independent Supported Living (ISL) placement, shall be appropriate based on the capacity and/or needs of the child in order for placement to occur. The DMH-DDD determines the assessment tools for the waiver eligible determination. The Vineland Assessment is utilized for children under 18 and the MOCABI is utilized for children 18 and older.
When a case manager identifies a possible need for a placement with DMH care placement, the following process shall be followed:
- The case manager shall ensure the child is waiver-eligible by contacting their local Regional Office for the Developmentally Disabled (DDD) and making a referral for services.
- The case manager shall ensure that a referral has been made for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or SSI is currently issued for the child.
- Only after completing the prior steps shall the case manager complete the CS-9, including supporting document.
- The case manager shall send the completed CS-9 to the RCST Coordinator along with the information from the Regional Office, stating:
- The child is eligible for waiver services, as verified in writing from the DMH Regional Office;
- The child is approved for Social Security Income (SSI); and
- A detailed explanation of why the placement with DMH is in the best interest of the child, including supporting documentation such as the Individual Support Plan and/or monthly treatment reports.
- The RCST Coordinator, if appropriate based on the information provided, will refer the child to the Children’s Division Medicaid Wavier Wait List.
- The RCST Coordinator will determine if the child is found to need a DMH-DDD provider placement.
- RCST will contact the case manager to continue the process of placement.
- The Case Manager shall ask the court to sign an order to allow a DMH-DDD placement.
During the placement period, the RCST Coordinator shall:
- Ensure that protocol is followed between CD and DMH with utilization of a DMH placement provider
- Request and review child’s budget that is approved through DMH Regional Office for services and matches the child’s Individual Support Plan.
- Will complete the Child Specific Contract request packet and submit to Residential Services Manager for a decision of approval.
- Request information required for renewal when the contract prior to expiration of the contract.
New Placement Actions for DMH-DD Settings
As part of the DMH placement process, the case manager, after approval from the RCST Coordinator, shall proceed with placement by:
- Completing any admission information as may be required by the provider;
- Arrange for adequate transportation of the child;
- Prepare the child and parent(s)/guardian(s) for placement, providing information about the placement, location, special programs, and visitation/contact arrangements, etc.;
- Inviting the parent(s)/guardian(s) to participate in the child’s transition meeting, if appropriate as determined by the RCST Coordinator or the DMH-DDD Service Coordinator;
- Arriving at the placement with the child and participating in the transition process.
- Entering the child’s new placement information into FACES within 24 hours of placement.
- Entering a “Rehabilitation Service Begin Date” or an updated date on the Rehabilitation Services Tracking screen in FACES. The Rehabilitation Service Begin Date must be the date the CSPI was completed or the date of placement, but may not be backdated to the date of placement unless the CSPI was completed on or before the placement date.
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