MO :: Section 4, Chapter 2 (Placements), Subsection 11 – ICPC :: 2.11.5 ICPC Regulation 1

MO :: Section 4, Chapter 2 (Placements), Subsection 11 – ICPC :: 2.11.5 ICPC Regulation 1

The purpose of Regulation 1 is to allow an intact family who has a child in their home under juvenile court jurisdiction to relocate to another state with the court’s approval. After arriving in the receiving state, the family must meet the licensing and/or approval standards established by the receiving state. Additionally, the receiving state must determine that the placement is in the best interest of the child. If the receiving state determines that placement is no longer suitable, the sending agency will return the child. The receiving state must recognize the license and/or approval from the sending state until a determination is made whether the family meets the receiving state’s standards. Supervision and progress reports shall be provided by the receiving state during the completion of the home study process.

Missouri as the Sending State

  • The placement resource should notify the Children’s Service Worker of their relocation to another state as soon as possible.
  • The Children’s Service Worker should notify the court by written report of the family’s desire to relocate with a child in Children’s Division’s care and custody.
  • The court authorizes approval for the move of the child with the family.
  • The Children’s Service Worker completes and submits the ICPC referral as set forth in this subsection, Placement of a Missouri Child into Another State, to include summary of the previous six (6) months case activity and the ICPC 100B, Interstate Compact Report on the Placement of Children. This form is included when the family and child have already taken up residence in the receiving state.

Missouri as the Receiving State:

  • The Children’s Service Worker receives the referral from the ICPC Unit.
  • The Children’s Service Worker completes the Alternative Care Client screen in FACES, , (for relative foster care, foster care, or adoptive placements) or the Family-Centered Services Case screen in FACES, (for a parent or non licensed relative care placement).
  • The Children’s Service Worker should cooperate with the sending state in arranging services for the family.
  • Determine with verification from the other state if the child is eligible for Title IV-E Medicaid.
  • Open IV-E Medicaid if the family was licensed and continues to receive maintenance from the sending state.
  • Begin the family assessment. The assessment should be completed within sixty (60) calendar days.
  • Maintain services accordingly.


Related Practice Alerts and Memos:

1-16-20 – CD20-07 – Interstate Compact Policy and Procedure Changes

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